BlogiArticlesEmpowering the youth of Vilnius: new volunteering platform
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Empowering the youth of Vilnius: new volunteering platform

2 Jan, 21:10
The Vilnius municipality, Vilnius Youth Information and Volunteering Center and several partners are partnering to develop a new volunteering platform for the city. This platform aims to provide a comprehensive resource for young people who are looking to get involved in volunteer activities, while also offering opportunities for organizations and decision makers to better coordinate and manage volunteer efforts in the city.

The platform is designed to provide a centralized location for young people to find volunteer opportunities, learn about the benefits of volunteering, and track their progress and achievements in a digital format. With the inclusion of Open Badges system, volunteers are able to earn recognition for their achievements, which can be used to showcase their skills and experience to potential employers or academic institutions.

This new platform is especially important in a time when young people are often inundated with various informal educational opportunities and may not fully understand the benefits of volunteering. By providing a centralized and organized system, this platform can help young people to act purposefully and effectively in their volunteer efforts, while also preparing them for future career opportunities and helping them to gain a better understanding of themselves.

The Cities of Learning model is being used as a basis for the development of this platform. This model has been successfully implemented in other cities around the world, and aims to create a connected ecosystem of learning opportunities, skills development, and community engagement. By leveraging this model, the Vilnius municipality and Vilnius Youth Information and Volunteering Center hope to create a platform that is not only effective, but also sustainable and adaptable to changing needs and circumstances.

Overall, this partnership represents a significant step forward for the city of Vilnius in its efforts to support young people and foster a strong culture of volunteering. With this new platform, volunteers, organizations, and decision makers will be better equipped to work together and create meaningful change in their communities.
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